Thursday, 16 April 2015

Mischief redefined.

                             Marriage /'marɪdʒ/
Noun or verb; depending on how you view it.

From the perspective of the typical Nigerian mother :- Solution to all problems of a single Nigerian female. Problems which include, and are not limited to, paying bills, dealing with workmen, barrenness, poor appetite, weeping all night because of loneliness. 

P.S. Most of the above problems happen to be from the overactive imaginations of worried mamas.

From the perspective of the young married woman:- Having a fully grown male as both your lover and your first born child.

                             Spinster /'spɪnstə/


A state a lot of women powerfully reject for their daughters, even those who are still in the cradle.

                                 Pain /peɪn/

Adjective most definitely.

Sensation felt after throwing a French fry straight from hot oil into the mouth.


  1. Marriage: nowadays seen as for better for stay; for worse for go.

    Spinster : unimaginable if you're young, attractive and have a good job. 'Are men blind?'

    Pain: what you feel when I knee you in the groin for asking why I'm not married.

    1. LMAO! Why would anyone ask how come we are friends and sisters?
